2020/21 Board of Directors

Name Position SDPCA Email
Brad Favor President president@sdpca.org
Sharon Kennedy Vice-President vicepres@sdpca.org
Genny Lynkiewicz CFO CFO@SDPCA.org
Lacy Szuwalski Secretary secretary@SDPCA.org
Laura Streichert Membership membershipinfo@sdpca.org
Sara Russel Newsletter Editor Newseditor@sdpca.org
Victor Cuevas Quartermaster  
Sharon McBride Mann Silent Auction, Web Editor fundraising@SDPCA.org
Lynne Graham Member Spotlight
Colleen Garrett Social Media/Website
Dana Weimar Fundraising
Kay Watt International Support Fund ISF@SDPCA.org
Linda Vene
Mary Kate Lowndes

Taste the World